
Nov 5, 2021

Dracul is a rapper often stylized as DRACUL, specifically into a horrorcore based as he wrote lyrics in most of his songs. With the assistance of his friends named Rapclinic, iPraz, and Amaneye making beats for him, he differs his theme from the others by developing his vampiric alter ego that is highly influenced by the famous Irish author, Bram Stoker’s iconic gothic horror novel titled “Dracula”.

He created his own tone and sound by delivering nightmarish, bloodsucking, psycho punchlines, his maniac laughing adlibs and yelling voice and his twisting flow switch.
He decided to create his third single produced by Amaneye titled ‘Sick Thoughts’ which is the sequel from his previous single titled ‘A Persona In Control’ A vampiric doppelganger who lurks out from the inside of his deepest mind, now on this third single ‘Sick Thoughts’ is about the rapper himself got caught under control by his vampiric persona who lives from his dark side that soon will bring him to seek upon death. Sick Thoughts Official Visualizer Lyric Video is available and can be listen and watch on Vlad Dracul Youtube Channel.

Wahyu Acum Nugroho
Wahyu “Acum” Nugroho Musisi; redaktur pelaksana di Pophariini, penulis buku #Gilavinyl. Menempuh studi bidang Ornitologi di Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, menjadi kontributor beberapa media seperti Maximum RocknRoll, Matabaca, dan sempat menjabat redaktur pelaksana di Trax Magazine. Waktu luang dihabiskannya bersama bangkutaman, band yang 'mengutuknya' sampai membuat beberapa album.

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